The second call for PhD research topics of the CHORAL programme is now open!
14 cotutelles within UNITA are associated to this call : 3 positions will be opened at UPPA and USMB, 2 positions will be opened at UNIBS, UNITO and UNITBV, 1 position will be opened at UNIZAR and UPNA.
Potential supervisors are invited to use the UNITA R&I cartography to identify possible collaboration teams and contact them to set up a joint supervision and define a PhD research topic to answer to the call.
Applications in English (including a research topic form and an ethics self-assessment) will be submitted to UPPA’s call for project's platform
The complete call is composed of two phases. In the first one, we expect PhD research topics in line with the Choral programme, involving two supervisors in the UNITA alliance. Eligibility of the projects will be ensured by the Cultural Heritage Hub. All the eligible projects (that may exceed the number of doctoral positions) are pooled and constitute the pre-determined set of PhD topics offered to applicants within a call for applicants. In a second step, international students will have to answer a call and apply for position on the PhD research topics resulting from the first step.
Planning: Deadline for answering the call (1st phase): 8th September 2024
- Eligibility check of the projects: October 2024
- Opening of the call for student application (2nd phase): November 2024
- Starting of the Cotutelles thesis: September 2025