
Supervisors have been selected on their adequate experience to provide the PhD researchers with academic support and a career development plan. 

Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)

Christine Bouisset

Chrisitine Bouisset is full Professor in Geography at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. she received her Doctoral thesis in geography on forest fire management from the University of Avignon in 1998.  Her Habililation à diriger des recherches was defended at  the University of Grenoble Alpes in 2021. Her research lies in the thematics of risk management, heritage of natural areas, environmental transition and local implementation of public policies to combat climate change.


Laurent Dornel

Laurent Dornel is currently a lecturer in contemporary history at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, where he has worked since 2008. A graduate of the École Normale Supérieure in Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, with an agrégation in history and a DEA in sociology, he has been qualified to direct research since April 2023.

His initial research led him to work on a sociohistory of xenophobia in nineteenth-century France. Drawing on a wide range of sources, he has shown how a veritable 'xenophobic system' came into being during the first decades of the Third Republic, while examining the main figures of the foreigner and how they evolved. He also took an interest in migratory flows between south-west France and Argentina between 1850 and 1920, contributing to the study of elite migration. Finally, he also took an early interest in the history of colonial workers during the First World War and showed that the presence of these workers played a key role in the racialisation of French society.

In April 2023 he defended a habilitation to direct research, the dossier of which, "Altérités et circulations migratoires (France impériale, 1880-1920)", contained an unpublished work entitled Indispensables et indésirables. Les travailleurs coloniaux de la Grande Guerre. The jury was made up of Manuela Martini, Isabelle Merle, Anne Rasmussen, Isabelle Lespinet-Moret, Philippe Rygiel (guarantor), Emmanuelle Saada, Todd Shepard and Xavier Vigna.

He is currently supervising or co-supervising 5 doctoral students. He has published three monographs, (co-)edited six books and written around fifty book chapters and articles. He is currently working on the publication of his habilitation at La Découverte (to be published in early 2025).

Bibliography : click here 


Caroline Fischer

Caroline Fischer, Full Professor in General and Comparative Literature at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour. Numerous publications on exciting literature, reception studies (codir. Konzepte der Rezeption, vol. 1. Réception productive; vol. 2. Esthétique de la réception; vol. 3. Réception et transferts culturels: Interactions entre deux processus de médiation littéraire Stauffenburg 2015, 2018, 2021), literary translation (La Traduction de la poésie entre imitatio et transfert poétique : langues, espaces, médias, with Beatrice Nickel, Stauffenburg 2012,) intermediality (Intermédialités, Poétiques comparatistes, with Anne Debrosse, Lucie Editions 2015; Intermedial Dante: Reception, Appropriation, Metamorphosis, with Mattia Petricola. Dossier dans Transmediality / Intermediality / Crossmediality: Problems of Definition, dir. Hans-Joachim Backe, Massimo Fusillo, Mirko Lino, Between, X.20 (2020),,) and literary plurilinguism (Choix esthétiques et enjeux politiques : Auteur.e.s plurilingues de langues romanes, with Bernard Franco, in print, Champion, 2024).


Emilie Guyard

Emilie GUYARD, agrégée in Spanish, is currently Maître de Conférences HDR at the University of Pau and deputy director of the ALTER laboratory (Arts/Langages: Transitions & Relations UR 7504). After working on the fantasy genre and more specifically on the work of Galician writer Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, to whom she has devoted several publications (including Le fantastique dans l'œuvre romanesque de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (1972-1987), Vigo, Editorial Academia del hispanismo, 2007), she is now devoting her research to the detective genre. She has published numerous articles and coordinated several books on the detective genre since 2016 and was awarded the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches in December 2018 thanks to an unpublished study entitled Carlos Salem: le polar déjanté ou la quête du sens.

Personal page:

Contact: emilie.guyard @


Patricia Heiniger-Casteret

Patricia Heiniger-Casteret is a senior lecturer in anthropology and has specialised in intangible cultural heritage for a number of years, enabling her to work with local players (both associations and professionals) in south-west France, local authorities, heritage institutions and the Ministry of Culture. She is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Pyrenees National Park, the Maison des Cultures du Monde and the Board of Directors of the Société d'Ethnologie Française (SEF). Her work has led her to observe practices in action and to analyse them as levers for territorial development (cultural, economic, tourism). She is also continuing her research into Occitan oral literature, its new players and new venues for dissemination, and is paying particular attention to the Pastorales, both Basque and Occitan, the sung, danced and ritualised theatres which are enjoying a definite revival in the western Pyrenees. 


Véronique Lamazou-Duplan


Mathilde Lamothe  

Mathilde Lamothe holds the PCITER Junior Professorship at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (ITEM laboratory). After completing an international cotutelle thesis, she obtained a PhD in ethnology and heritage (Université Laval, Quebec) and a doctorate in ethnology (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France). She has worked on inventories of intangible cultural heritage, traditional games and sports, and uses of water and forests in the Pyrenees. Her research focuses on the study of heritage processes, intangible cultural heritage and historical ecology in mountain environments. 


Hélène Laplace-Claverie

Hélène Laplace-Claverie is a full Professor at Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour, where she mainly teaches French Literature. She also heads the ALTER research unit (Arts/Languages : Transitions et Relations, UR 7504), which brings together all the researchers of the Arts-Lettres-Langues field at UPPA. A former student of Ecole Normale Supérieure (Ulm), she worked for many years on performing arts from a literary point of view. More recently, her research has focused on the issue of writers’ houses in France. She is currently leading a research program funded by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, which focuses on literary house museums in this geographical area.

Mail : helene.laplace-claverie @


 Pascale Peyraga   

Pascale Peyraga has been a full Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Pau since 2010, and is a member of the ALTER (Arts/Langages: Transitions & Relations UR 7504) laboratory at UPPA, as well as an associate member of the OIKOS Ecocriticism Research Workshop at the University of Perpignan. She specialises in the relationship between Literature and Visual Arts in the Iberian worlds, and has also taught Spanish Civilisation, which has given her an extensive knowledge of the historical contexts and ideological currents of the modern and contemporary periods in the Iberian Peninsula. Her research, initially devoted to the Theory of Literature and transgenericity, has gradually turned towards committed forms of Literature and Art, ecopoetics and ecofeminism. As such, she co-directed the projects "Femmes artistes, les formes de l'engagement" (2016-2018) and "L'art en partage citoyen" (2017-2019), at the intersection of the artistic, the political and the ecological, both of which resulted in collective publications. She co-coordinated the European Erasmus Mundus Design Measures project: PRI-ARTEC - 'Arts and ecologies: imaginaries, narratives and practices' (2022-2023), organised a study day in May 2023, 'Langues de terre et paroles d'eau', on environmental issues, and is currently coordinating, in collaboration with the UAEM (Mexico), a seminar on ecofeminism, ‘Enraizadas. Mujeres, creación, medioambiente y ecoterritorialidad'. 

Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB)

Emma Bell

Emma Bell is Professor of Contemporary British Politics at Savoie Mont-Blanc University in Chambéry, France. She has published widely in the UK and France on authoritarianism in the British State in journals such as the Observatoire de la Société Britannique, Race and Class, Theoretical Criminology and Socialism and Democracy. She is the author of Criminal Justice and Neoliberalism (Palgrave, 2011) and Soft Power and Freedom under the Coalition (Palgrave, 2015) and a founding editor of the journal Justice, Power and Resistance. Her current research focuses on new forms of democracy and challenges to state authoritarianism. With Filippo Barbera, she is currently co-editing the book Commons, Citizenship and Power to be published with Bristol University Press in 2024.


Carole Brandon

Carole Brandon is a teacher-researcher in the arts and an artist. 
She works in research-creation methodology to experiment with and study the spaces between [body/machine]. She has written a book on this subject entitled L'art et le dispositif:introduction aux hypermédias. She is particularly interested in the way in which artists question the objectification of humans and the invisibilisation of surveillance, inherent in hypermedia.  surveillance inherent in new technologies: how capitalism distances us from our sensitive nature by automating the world.  She regularly exhibits around the world.  She is currently developing several virtual reality works on post-humanism with Gaëtan Le Coarer and Alice Baradat. How the virtual might enable us to reconnect our subject-bodies to sensory, memory and vibratory experiences that would put our hominisation back on an ecosophical, rather than technological, footing. In this context, she has joined the CNRS's GDR mémoire, in the arts, texts and memory section initiated and coordinated by Stéphanie Beligon. 

Contact : carole.brandon @


Jacques Ibanez Bueno

Jacques Ibanez Bueno, assistant in Switzerland at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Geneva, is preparing his PhD in Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Grenoble, France, on the synergies between television and the recording industry.

A contract researcher at the GRESEC laboratory, he works on research contracts for private and public players. As a lecturer at the University of Burgundy, he took part in the creation of new training courses, in particular an institute in Enterprise Documentation, Networks and Image Engineering, as project leader and first director. He contributed to the creation of a new research team, LIMSI (Laboratory on Image, Mediation and International Communication). From 2003 onwards, as a lecturer and then professor at the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, he was responsible for the creation of a complete interdisciplinary degree program (Bachelor Master Phd), being the first director of a Hypermedia and Communication Department and the first head of a research team (G-SICA Inter-Laboratory Group on Image, Communication and Digital Arts) before joining the LLSETI Research Group. He is a regular guest at European and American universities.

In 2010-11 at the University of North Texas, he developed research with USA colleagues on the appropriation of emerging uses of iconic technologies (using Visual Methods). In 2016, he published a book entitled "the commutative body: from television to videophony".

In 2022, he was awarded a one-year CNRS delegation to carry out research in Marseille at La Fabrique des Écritures Ethnographiques within the Centre Norbert Élias laboratory. This research, which is being carried out in four countries (Switzerland, Mexico, Spain and France), examines digital worlds through a re-reading of Michel de Certeau's work. As the centenary of de Certeau's birth approaches (2025), he is spearheading the creation of an international network in support of this commemoration.

In 2022, he became the first President of the learned society VISUAL MODI (International Association for Research in Visual and Multimodal Methods): 


Elodie Manthé

Elodie Manthé holds a PhD in Marketing and is Associate Professor at USMB – France for four years. She carried out research in collaborative finance, collaborative donation and contributive tourism from a consumer point of view (i.e. what are the trigger and consequences of tourist charitable contribution to a destination). Her research has been published in top-rated Journal such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practices and Current Issues in Tourism. She regularly presents her results to international conferences such as TTRA, ERNOP, American Marketing Association Congress. 

Contact : elodie.manthe @

Universidad de Zaragosa (UNIZAR)

Jorge Angas Pajas

Dr. Jorge Angás is a Senior Permanent Researcher in the Department of Antiquity Sciences in the ARAID - University of Zaragoza (Spain).

He is specialized in Geospatial Sciences applied to Digital Cultural Heritage (LiDAR, Photogrammetry, GIS, VR, aerial imagery, multispectral sensors). He is a member of the “First Settlers and Archaeological Heritage Research Group (P3A)” and the IPH Research Institute at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He has carried out research stays in the Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti (Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy) and at the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles DRAC Midi-Pyrénées (Toulouse, France). He completed his PhD thesis with a European mention, cum laude and received the first Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2015-16).

Since 2014, he has worked on archaeological campaigns in the Sultanate of Oman, Emirate of Sharjah (UAE) and Uzbekistan. His contributions have allowed him to develop extensive scientific activity in the publication of over 70 papers and books. Likewise, he has made 80 contributions, the majority as a guest speaker, in congresses and workshops. He is a member of ICOMOS-Spain and founder member of the Scientific National Committee for Rock Art ICOMOS-Spain.

Currently, He is the principal investigator (PI) of a research project (DiGHER, 2023-2026) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation on Digital Twins and their application to Cultural Heritage. 


Francisco Beltran Lloris

Full professor of Ancient History. Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Cooperation.

A member of the Government of Aragon research group HIBERUS, and of the ‘Instituto de Patrimonio y Humanidades’ (IPH).

Main research interests: the ancient epigraphic cultures, and the history of Hispania and the Roman western Mediterranean, including irrigation.

Leader of the research team TITVLVS devoted to the multidisciplinary study of the ancient —Palaeo-European, Palaeo-Hispanic and Roman— epigraphic cultures, approached as organic systems of knowledge and communicative practice combining language, script, and support in order to record or transmit messages in well-defined social and ideological contexts. We study inscriptions as sources for history and linguistics but also as social media, paying attention to their role in the different ancient written cultures and literacies. We are committed to open science and to the preservation of this important part of the European cultural heritage and its integration in the modern European cultural discourse through the cooperation with museums, schools and cultural institutions and technological companies.

Leader of the network Ancient European Languages and Writings - AELAW (arising from a European COST Action:, 2015-2020), coordinator at Zaragoza of the research group Hesperia, involved in the management of the homonymous Palaeo-Hispanic online database ( ) and member of the international committee for the organisation of the Coloquios de Lenguas y Culturas Paleohispánicas. Founder and co-director of the journal Palaeohispanica, including among its last volumes a handbook and introduction to the ancient Palaeo-European languages and epigraphic cultures (F. Beltrán, B. Díaz, M. J. Estarán y C. Jordán eds.,, a topic to which is also devoted the multilingual series AELAW Booklets ( ). Contributor to the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin).

As PI, I lead projects of basic investigation funded by the Spanish authorities since 2003 —the latest: Everyday Writing. Literacy, Cultural Contact and Social Change in Hispania Citerior Between the Roman Conquest and Late Antiquity (EsCo)—, but I am also involved in projects funded by other institutions —Fundación Ibercaja: edition of the Celtiberian inscriptions of Peñaba, Villastar— and in projects funded by European programmes focusing on schools, museums and citizens in collaboration with technological companies, as SELECT (Self-learning Atlas of Ancient European Cultures, KA201 - Strategic Partnerships for school education, ) or xFORMAL (Informal and Non-Formal E-Learning for Cultural Heritage, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020,

Editor of 15 books and author of 14 monographies and c. 270 publications and papers in Spanish and international journals (,

Visiting professor at the École Normale Superieure (Paris). Research periods at Munich, Heidelberg, Rome, or Oxford. A member of the Committee of the Association Internationale d’Epigraphie Grecque et Latine (1998-2002 and 2013-2017) and a corresponding member of the Real Academia de la Historia.

Supervisor of eleven PhD thesis, the latest of them dealing with epigraphic supports, bilingualism, compared epigraphy, the transformations of epigraphic cultures or Roman family galleries. I am supervising now three more PhD thesis, two of them in co-tutelle with the universities of Pau and Bari.

Contact :


Sara Catalàn

Senior Lecturer of Marketing

Sara Catalán is Senior Lecturer of Marketing at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) and member of the research group GENERES, recognised by the Government of Aragon. Her research interests include the application of gamification strategies in tourism, cultural heritage, mobile apps and companies. Her work has been published in journals such as International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Tourism Research, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology.

Contact: scatala @


Conception Lomba Serrano

Full Professor of Art History

Director of the ‘Instituto de Patrimonio y Humanidades’ (Institute for Research in Heritage and Humanities)

Full Professor of Art History and director of the Institute for Research in Heritage and Humanities at the University of Zaragoza, she is the leader of the consolidated research group Vestigium, funded by the Government of Aragon since 2009.

She also belongs to the State Corps of Curators of Museums (on voluntary leave of absence) and worked at the Spanish Museum of Contemporary Art and the Reina Sofía National Museum in Madrid (1987-1992). In 2005 she was elected a numerary member of the San Luis Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Zaragoza, and has held various positions at the University of Zaragoza, such as Vice-Rector of Culture and Social Policy (2008-2012).

Research interests

  • Contemporary art, with a clear vocation for social constructions and the artistic avant-garde.
  • Cultural heritage.
  • Gender studies.

Research and career achievements

She has six six-year research periods to her credit (the last one 2014-2019).

Principal investigator of different research projects obtained in competitive calls, the most recent being Las artistas en la escena cultural española y su relación con Europa, 1803-1945 (2021-2024).

Member of different research projects of special relevance with companies and/or public administrations.

Supervisor of seven doctoral theses and is currently supervising another five.

She has organised courses and congresses in different institutions and private entities; has given conferences in different European and American cities (Barcelona, Florence, Havana, León ―Nicaragua―, Madrid, Nantes, Pisa, Trodheim, Turin, Valencia, Zaragoza...).

Member of different scientific committees of specialised and indexed journals.

Member of some thirty doctoral thesis tribunals.

Director of the De Arte collection of ‘Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza’.

She has been a member of various juries, including the National Photography Prize and the Research Prize.

Contact : clomba @


Pedro Rujula

Full Professor of Contemporary History

Director of ‘Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza’

Pedro Rújula is a Professor of Modern History at Zaragoza University (Spain). Among his main research interest are political, social and cultural phenomena at the origins of the contemporary world, especially the birth of politics and the processes of politicisation, public opinion, the civil wars of the 19th century and counter-revolutionary phenomena. He has also favoured the study of historical texts, with a special focus on biographical or autobiographical texts and historiographical studies.

He is the author of many articles and has published some books like Contrarrevolución (1820-1840) (1998), Constitución o Muerte (1820-1823) (2000), El Trienio liberal. Revolución e Independencia (1820-1823) (2020) or Religión, Rey y Patria. Los orígenes contrarrevolucionarios de la España contemporánea (1793-1840) (2023).

He is editor of Guerra de Ideas. Política y cultura durante la Guerra de la Independencia (2012) (with Jordi Canal), Los Sitios en la Guerra de la Independencia: la lucha en las ciudades (2013) (with Gonzalo Butrón), Historia de la Universidad de Zaragoza (2016) (with Concha Lomba) and El Trienio liberal, una mirada política (2020) (with Ivana Frasquet), and is the coordinator of monographics issues like Jerónimo Zurita (2008 e 2012), Ayer (2014), Pasado y Memoria (2014) or Bulletin d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Espagne (2020).

Also is the literary editor of the works of Antonio Pirala (2005), Faustino Casamayor (2008), Louis-François Lejeune (2009 y 2015), Louis-Gabriel Suchet (2012) or Wilhelm von Rahden (2013). He is also director of the publishing house Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Contact : rujula @

Universidade de Navarra (UPNA)

Alfredo Asiain


Gemma Piérola Narvarte

After completing a degree in History and Geography at the University of Navarra in 1997, I initiated a doctoral program at the Public University of Navarra under a grant from the Ministry of education and additional funding from the Professor education program. This provided the means to dedicate five-year research on the construction of gender discourse under Franco's regime. This laborious period was a fruitful experience resulting in a doctoral thesis.

In addition to this, I was privileged to participate as a researcher  and collaborator in five research projects under national and regional funding, which were directed by María Cátedra Tomás (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Sagrario Anaut Bravo and Maria del Juncal Campo Guinea (Public University of Navarra ).

Subsequently, after a period of 11 years of teaching in Secondary Education, in 2016 I returned to university research, participating as a contract researcher in the Documentary Fund of Historical Memory in Navarre and as a lecturer in the areas of Contemporary History and Gender History at the Public University of Navarre, where I continue as a permanent lecturer.

Since attaining my undergraduate degree, I have been linked to the Institute of Economic and Social History Gerónimo de Uztáriz, an association of historians in which I have collaborated in different ways and am currently its president. Here I have found a place to reflect and debate on history, the didactics of history and other social sciences, to carry out research among a network of leading researcher.

As a researcher, I have directed my interest towards the study of the history of women during Franco's regime by analyzing everyday life during the post-war period, gender discourses during these years, the forms of violence affecting women during the dictatorship, everyday resistance, and the memory of repression at a regional level. As a result, I have published several articles such as: The moralizing discourse of customs during the dictatorship, the Patronage of Women Protection, repression and types of violence and social control directed towards women, the violation of human rights during Franco's regime and biographies of women under repression. In addition, two books have been published: the first, the result of my doctoral thesis, entitled Mujer e ideología en la dictadura franquista. Navarra (1939-1960) (2018) [Women and ideology during Franco’s dictatorship] and the second, recently published, Historias silenciadas: vida y olvido de diez mujeres navarras represaliadas durante el franquismo. Silenced stories: the forgotten lives of ten women from Navarra:  A biographical proposal for their recognition in public spaces (2023). The latter was an OTRI project signed between Pamplona City Council and the UPNA in which I participated as the main researcher.

This research has been possible thanks to the support of the UPNA research group History and Economics, the agreements signed between the Documentary Fund of Historical Memory in Navarre, the Navarra government and the Parliament of Navarra (2017-2024) Here I have participated as a project collaborator, while in other projects of a more interdisciplinary nature I have collaborated as a researcher: Legajos en la mochila: Patrimonio y enseñanza de la Historia. Nuevos textos históricos navarros comentados (UNED Pamplona, 2019-20), La desigualdad económica en el muy largo plazo, 1250-1850. El caso de navarra en el espejo europeo (UPNA, 2020-2021) and Historia y presente del control social, las instituciones punitivas y los cuerpos de seguridad en España (siglos XX-XXI): prácticas, discursos y representaciones culturales (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. State Research Agency, 2022-2024).

Work on a regional scale must be open to dialogue with similar realities in other areas.  I have attempted to do so by participating in teaching exchange programs,  such as one held at the University of Wentzao (Taiwan, 2019), and in colloquia and/or scientific meetings, such as the one given as part of the I Central American Forum of Students of Anthropology Schools Migrations, social change and Central American identity entitled "The Documentary Fund of Historical Memory in Navarre: presentación de un modelo de investigación y base de datos sobre la represión franquista" (El Salvador, 2017). In addition I participated at a conference in Rouen in 2002 presenting a paper entitled "Pour la dignité des femmes: l'hygiène morale publique et privée dans les arrêtés du maire pendant le franquisme" and offered a presentation at the University of Savoie-Mont-Blanc as part of the cycle of conferences of the international research project UNITA Heritage and Gender Studies (Université de Pau, Univ. de Turin and Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc) under the title: "Être femme sous le franquisme: construction et diffusion de modèles de genre à partir des sources écrites de l'époque" (Chambéry, 2022).


Eloisa Ramirez Vaquero

Full Professor of Medieval History at the Public University of Navarre (Pamplona).

My research is primarily focused around two main areas of the medieval history of Navarra, attended form transversal and multidisciplinary perspectives: the exercise of power (royal, essentially, but also around the noble and urban environments) and the urban worlds. The argument of the relationships -tensions- between the crown and the noble and urban elements, and between themselves, includes an attention to ideological means, instruments of control and management, economic bases, social dialectics, or the use of political language, writing and emblematic symbolism. In a more direct relationship with the urban world, on which this doctoral cotutelle is proposed, I have worked on the structure of the urban network and it’s characterization, the dialectic of urban powers and groups, the government of its centres and the tensions with the crown and other related groups. We have a very long tradition, in our research group, of working and exchanges with our colleagues from the UPPA; we have shared research projects (from the CTP, the AEI in Spain, the ANR in France, the “Casa de Velézquez”, in Madrid) and several jointed publications. Also collaborations in master and doctoral programs, evaluation panels, etc.

I coordinate the Doctoral program on “Heritage, Societies and Broder Spaces” of Campus Iberus (UPNA; UNIZAR, UdL, UR), were the universities of UPPA and UTJ2 are linked as external partners. I also collaborate with other national and foreign programs. I have 5 positives six year research evaluations (“sexenios”) recognized by the CNAI (the last one in 2018) and one positive Transfer evaluation (in 2020). I have directed 6 doctoral theses in the last 10 years and I am currently directing another two. I’m currently IP1 (with M. T. López de Guereño Sanz, from UAM) of the project “MINORES. Construir la memoria de las élites periféricas en la Corona de Castilla y el reino de Navarra. s. X-XV. 2023-2026 (Agencia Estatal de Investigación - PID2022-138387NB-100).

Universita di Torino (UNITO)

Enrico Eraldo Bertacchini


Enrico Borgogno Mondino

Since March 2023 he is full Professor in Geomatics at the Dept. of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA) - University of Torino. In 1996 he got its Master Degree in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). In 2004 he got his Ph.D. in Geodesy and Geomatics at Politecnico di Milano (Italy). In 2006 he enter Academy (University of Torino) as Assistant Professor in Geomatics. In 2015 he became Associate Professor in Geomatics. Since 2002 he has been being lecturer in BSc, MS, post-graduate masters and PhD courses. His main research topics concern agro/forestry applications of Geomatics, included optical and SAR satellite, airborne and UAV remote sensing, digital photogrammetry, LiDAR, GIS and survey.

Author of more than 150 papers in National and International Scientific Proceedings, Journals and Books.

President of the Italian Association of Remote Sensing. President of the ASITA Scientific Committee.

Vice-President of the Italian Confederation of Scientific Associations for Territorial and Environmental Information (ASITA).

Chair of the Agriculture Special Interest Group (SIG) of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories EARSeL.

He is/has been scientific responsible of various national and international research projects and tutor of more than 40 BS, MS and PhD theses. He is Editorial board member in MDPI Remote Sensing, MDPI Agronomy, MDPI Geomatics and has been Guest editor of some Special Issues from the European Journal of Remote Sensing, MDPI Land, MDPI Remote Sensing, Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.


Franca Bruera

Franca Bruera is full professor of French Literature at the Department of Humanities, University of Turin. A specialist on Apollinaire (Teatro, Bulzoni 2020; Métamorphoses d'Apollinaire, " Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France ", 1/2021), she has oriented her studies towards the European historical avant-gardes also from a gender perspective (Le Troisième Sexe des avant-gardes, Classiques Garnier, 2017, B. Cappa Marinetti, Romans expérimentaux, Classiques Garnier 2022), literary plurilingualism (Ecrivains en transit, " Cosmo " 2017, Plurilinguisme et Avant-gardes, Peter Lang, 2011), Lebanese poetry of French expression, contemporary French and Quebec fiction, biographical and biofinational writings (Biomythologies contemporaines d'auteur, Classiques Garnier, 2000), the epistemology of rewritings of myths in 20th and 21st century theater (Le mythe mode d'emploi, " Interférences littéraires ", 2015). His current research interests include the study of the notion of risk in literature (Déclinaisons du risque : pour une archéologie des imaginaires littéraires des XXe et XXIe siècles, " Cahiers de littérature française, no. 22, 2023, F. Bruera, A. Duprat, F. Franchi, F. McIntosh-Varjabédian dir.) and plurilingualism in French-language literature (Plurilinguisme et essentialisme, in press at series « Ateliers », Dell'Orso éd., Alessandria)


Anna Ciotta

Associate Professor of History of Contemporary, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures.

Anna Ciotta is Associate Professor of History of Contemporary, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Modern Cultures, University of Turin. Her research interests are: landscape painting in the second half of the 19th century in Italy and Spain; Spanish and Italian women artists second half of the 19th century in Italy and Spain; Spanish and Italian women artists from the second half of the 19th century to the 21st century; Spanish and Italian women artists from the second half of the 19th century to the 21st century; the question of gender applied to contemporary art.

She is the author of monographs such as La forma della luce nella pittura di Francesco Lojacono. Una lettura della sua opera nel quadro di alcune esperienze della pittura di paesaggio italiana ed europea del XIX secolo and La cultura della comunicazione nel piano del Centro Mondiale di Hendrik Ch. Andersen e di Ernest M. Hébrard. She has published several articles in Italy and in the U.S., including six articles in “Class A” journals.

She has been the scientific and organisational manager of international congresses and has given numerous lectures in Italy and abroad. Is co-director of editorial series Filarti, Collana di Storia dell’Arte e dell’Architettura contemporanee, FrancoAngeli publisher, Milan.

She has been involved in numerous research projects and in a national research project COFIN/MEDI. Recently carried out a research period on a 20th century Valencian artist at the University of Valencia at its invitation. Is member of the foreign research group Las artistas en la escena cultural española y su relación con l'Europa: 1803-1945.

Is member of the PhD teaching board in Patrimonio culturale e produzione storico-artistica, audiovisiva e multimediale at the University of Turin. Is academic coordinator in Erasmus agreements between the University of Turin and the Universities of Zaragoza, Valencia and Oviedo.

Contact : anna.ciotta @


Massimiliano Demata

Massimiliano Demata is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin. He has published extensively on computer-mediated communication, social media discourse, political and media discourse, nationalism, populism and conspiracy theories in the UK and the USA. His latest publications include Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA, published by Routledge in 2022, and Conspiracy Theory Discourses, edited with Virginia Zorzi and Angela Zottola and published by John Benjamins in 2022. He was a Fulbright Research Fellow twice (at Yale in 1999 and at Indiana University in 2014). He is the co-editor of the Journal of Language and Discrimination, published by Equinox, He was visiting professor and gave courses at Saarland University, the University of Regensburg, Luxembourg University, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Sciences Po Lyon and Sciences Po Bordeaux. In 2023 he was Research Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Lyon.


Silvia Giorcelli

Silvia Giorcelli is Full Professor of Roman History at the University of Turin (from 2016), where she has held several institutional positions. Her work mainly covers: Roman history from the Late Republic to the Early Empire; institutional changes and social developments between the Republic and the Empire; the Romanization of Cisalpine Gaul and the history of the Alps in Antiquity; the reception of Antiquity in modern culture, especially from the sixteenth to the early twentieth century; the history of Roman women with special attention to gender studies. She has chaired the Equal Opportunities Committee at the University of Turin for 9 years.


From 2011: member of Deputazione Subalpina di Storia Patria (TO).

From 2022: member of Accademia delle Scienze (TO).

She was a member of the evaluating commission of the National Qualification Procedure in the Ancient History field (ASN 2021-2023).

Institutional Responsibilities

Current positions within the University of Turin:

  • Member of the Directorial Council of the Department of Historical Studies
  • Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD in Scienze Archeologiche, Storiche e Storico-Artistiche
  • Departmental appointee for Equal Opportunities
  • Coordinator of the Ancient History section of the Department of Historical Studies
  • Delegate of the Department of Historical Studies in the international university network ‘UNITA-Universitas Montium – WP4’
  • Delegate of the Department of Historical Studies in the University network MINDtheGEPs (Modifying Institutions by Developing Gender Equality Plans).

Major Collaborations (only from 2015)

She has participated to the following national and international research projects:

  • PRIN 2022: EtiamEgo. Violence against women in ancient Rome: historical perspectives and symbolic constructions (Torino PI, Venezia, Padova, Bologna, Firenze); she is PI.
  • PRIN 2015: False testimonianze. Copie, contraffazioni, manipolazioni e abusi del documento epigrafico antico.

Track Record

She is author of about 80 publications including peer-reviewed monographs, journal articles and chapters in edited volumes. Her latest book ‘L’impero in quota. I Romani e le Alpi’ (Turin, Einaudi, 2019) was awarded with 3 prestigious Prizes (ITAS 2020; Rigoni Stern 2020; Leggi Montagna 2020). She gave several conference presentations, as invited speaker, and organized international scientific meetings and seminars.

Research interests

  • She currently studies the romanization of Cisalpine Gaul and the Alps in Antiquity, with specific reference to the institutional shape and social setting from the Republic to the Empire;
  • 2) she cooperates on the redaction of “Supplementa Italica” for the critical edition of inscriptions from Liguria and Transpadana (Alba Pompeia 1999, Vercellae 2002, Augusta Praetoria 2019) and to the Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR);
  • 3) she studies use and reception of the Past from Modern Age to 20th century, among historiography and philosophical thought.
  • 4) The history of Roman women has been at the centre of her research activities since several years; she studies the reception of Antiquity in connection with gender studies: her monograph on Hannah Arendt (Florence, Le Monnier, 2010) opened new paths for the study of the relationship between 20th-century Female Thought and Classical Scholarship.

Contact : silvia.giorcelli @


Chiara Lombardi

Chiara Lombardi is Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at the University of Torino. Her essays have appeared in many international reviews and in several volumes of collected essays edited by Italian and international scholars. Her main fields of research, publication and teaching are the modern reception of Classical Literature, European Renaissance Literature, Comparative Literature of the Twentieth Century. Her books include Troilo e Criseide nella letteratura occidentale (Roma, Storia e Letteratura, 2005); La passione e l’assenza. Forme del mito in poesia da Shakespeare a Rilke (Torino, Academia University Press, 2018), Reading Shakespeare and the Classics (with C. Ragni and L. Marfè, Alessandria, Dell’Orso, 2021).


Ilario Meandri

Ilario Meandri is associate professor of ethnomusicology at the Department of Humanities, University of Turin. He brings research on classical topics of ethnomusicology together with the development of advanced technologies involving documentation and analysis of sound repertories (immersive audio recording, analysis through re-synthesis, virtual instrument development). He has carried out field research in Italy (alpine carnival traditions); Kosovo, Macedonia and Greece (on Rom wedding repertoires and on Albanian epic singing); Liguria and northern Italy (on the paraliturgical polyvocality of oral tradition). He has furthermore carried out extensive ethnomusicological studies on film soundtracks in mainstream contemporary North American cinema and the worldwide circulation of musical topoi coming from Hollywood film music, applying an ethnographic approach to the profession of the Hollywood composer. He has carried out pioneering work on the history of production techniques and sound recording in Italy from the post-War period to the present day, applying innovative methodologies to a systematic research on oral sources. His research has been published by the most prominent national and international editors in the discipline. His main line of research is knowledge representation in ethnomusicology, semantic interoperability and open data for the domain of ethnomusicology and anthropology of music.


Simone Natale

Simone Natale is Associate Professor in Media Theory and History at the University of Turin, Italy, and Editor of the journal Media, Culture & Society. He is the author of two monographs, most recently Deceitful Media: Artificial Intelligence and Social Life after the Turing Test (Oxford University Press, 2021, translated into Chinese, Italian and Portuguese), as well as more than 40 peer-reviewed articles in international journals including New Media & Society, the Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, and Convergence. He has taught and researched at Columbia University, US, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, Humboldt University and the University of Cologne in Germany, and Loughborough University in the UK. His research has been funded by international institutions such as the AHRC and ESRC in the UK, the Humboldt Foundation in Germany and Columbia University’s Italian Academy in the US.


Sabrina Negri

Sabrina Negri (Ph.D. 2017, University of Chicago, Cinema and Media Studies) is Assistant Professor (RtdB) in Cinema Studies at the University of Torino, Italy, where she is also a Rita Levi Montalcini Fellow. Prior to moving back to her home country, she held a tenure-track position at the Department of Cinema Studies and Moving Image Arts at the University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.. Her research interests center around the digitization of analog film materials and its consequences on film archival holdings. At the University of Torino, she teaches Film History and Film Preservation Theories and Practices.


Alessandro Perissinotto


Silvia Pireddu (silvia.pireddu @

Pireddu Silvia received an MA in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature from Università degli Studi di Pavia (Italy), specialising in History of the English Language. She holds a PhD in English and American Cultures from IULM University, Milan and worked with post-doctoral grants at Università degli Studi di Pavia on issues related to culture, translation, and the history of ideas. From 2005 to 2017, she taught in seminars and courses about English history and language at IULM, Milan, and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan. She is Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at Università di Torino and teaches English Linguistics and communication to MA students in Cultural Heritage. She is also a member of the scientific committee for the PhD in Cultural Heritage and Historical-Artistic, Audiovisual, and Multimedia Production. Her research interests include history of culture museum communication with particular reference to the intersection of the theoretical principles and the practical frameworks of art, media and history.

Contact :  (silvia.pireddu @


Cristina Trinchero

Cristina Trinchero is Associate Professor of French Literature at the University of Turin, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures. She reconstructs and studies of cultural, literary and artistic relations between France and Italy in the 18th century (among her publications, Pierre-Louis Ginguené 1748-1816 e l’identità nazionale italiana nel contesto culturale europeo, book, Bulzoni, 2004), under the Risorgimento (Voci italiane da Parigi. "L'esule - L'Exilé" 1832-1834, book, Tirrenia, 2002), and under Fascism (Il Teatro di Torino 1925-1930 di Riccardo Gualino. Studi e documenti, book with on-line archive, LIM, 2013; Leo Ferrero, torinese di Parigi. Un intellettuale tra Francia e Italia in età fascista, book, Aras, 2020); French drama in the 1920s (Gaston Baty animateur de théâtre, book, Neos, 2015); urban and natural space in French fiction and in travellers’ memories, with a specific focus on the imaginary of the city of Turin and on the Alpine space; literary tourism in the past and in the present. 

She is interested in digital humanities, in the role of PI of the Open Literature research group ( and since 2021 she has been the Director of DISH - Research Centre in Digital Scholarship for the Humanities (University of Turin). She is among the co-founders the Open Tourism Research Laboratory (

Universita degli Studi di Brescia (UNIBS)

Giovanna Grossi


Barbara Scala

Associate professor of architectural restoration at the University of Brescia and member of the Society scientific SIRA, has long dealt with the seismic problems of the historic building in the Garda area, in particular addressing the case of the city of Salò (BS) in the study of urban aspects and techniques historical anti-seismic constructions, identifying forms of local seismic culture. In recent years he has deepened the application of HBIM, specifically studying technical solutions and operational for the management of the project and the restoration site in the historical architecture, activating specific agreements with the protection bodies (Superintendence of the Aosta Valley) for testing operating in particular in monuments of the Roman city. He has participated in numerous calls for funding of banking foundations (Fondazione Cariplo) for the study construction techniques of the mountain architecture of the valleys of Brescia drafting "Guidelines" for the restoration and planned conservation of rural architecture, adopted as tools operating from the local Mountain Communities. At the University of Brescia he teaches the course Architectural restoration and conservation, the course of International degree of Civil and Environment Engineering and a module to the course of History of Techniques of the degree course in Building Engineering-Architecture. Since 2020 he has been teaching at the HBIM master’s degree Politecnico di Milano, seat of Mantova for the courses Managerial processes in HBIM in historical assets. She is the author of over a hundred publications, in journals conference proceedings and monographs.

Universității Transilvania din Brașov (UNITBV)

Petruta Maria Coroiu

COROIU (MANIUȚ) PETRUTA-MARIA, Ph D Prof. habil. at TRANSILVANIA University Brașov. Areas of interest: Musical forms and analyses, Musical aesthetics, Musical semantics and hermeneutics, Stylistics of melodic art. With a triple degree in music (Musicology, Musical Composition, Musical Interpretation-piano), Petruta Maniut Coroiu is the author of dozens of studies and over 30 specialized musicological volumes, a series of musicological conferences, radio shows. She is member of the Union of Composers and Musicologists from Romania (Musicology).


Gheorge Epuran

Epuran Gheorghe is a full-time professor at Transilvania University in Brasov, doctoral supervisor and coordinator of the Marketing doctoral field within the university's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.

During his 33-year university career, he carried out teaching and research activities in the fields of MARketing, E-Marketing, Social Media Mix, Strategic Marketing, Advanced Marketing, Marketing Communication and Marketing Strategies in Tursim.

He held courses as a guest professor or Erasmus professor in several universities in Europe, Asia and America: University of Poitiers, France; Graduate School of Business Studies in Montreal, Canada; Laurea University of Helsinki, Finland. He also published several articles in WOS indexed journals and participated in international conferences both in Romania and in other countries around the world.

Contact: epuran.gheorghe @


Mihai Ivanovici

Prof. Mihai Ivanovici holds a PhD in electronics from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania. He is a full professor at Transilvania University of Brașov, România and has 17 years of experience in managing various research projects (funded by EU structural funds and the Romanian Government, the Ministry of Education and Research or by Romanian private companies) and participating as researcher in national, European and international research projects (e.g. The ATLAS Experiment at LHC, AI4AGRI); he is the author of more than 50 scientific papers published in international conferences and journals. He is head of Multispectral Imaging and Venture Laboratory, within Department of Electronics and Computers, Transilvania University of Brașov, România and member of the IEEE Signal Processing and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing societies. He is a member of the Reviewers Board for MDPI Remote Sensing journal. His research interest and expertise are in the field of data acquisition, processing and analysis (including colour, multispectral and hyperspectral images, remote sensing data, data from particle physics experiments), as well as electronic system design and implementation. Currently he is supervising PhD in the field of electronics, telecommunications and information technologies.


Bianca Tescasiu

I am a professor at Transilvania University of Brașov – Department of Marketing, Toursim and International Business, since 01.03.1999. During the 21 years of my academic career I followed a series of courses to develop my skills and, also, I was a visiting professor in universities from Germany, Finland, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sri Lanka. My research includes studies in the field of Tourism – sustainability in tourism, organic growth, security in tourism, innovation in tourism, urban development, cultural tourism – , Education – responsability in education, gender equality in education –, Marketing in European Union – regional strategies, urban development, etc. My main areas of PhD supervision are Marketing for tourism, Education and Educational Marketing, Marketing in European Union and related fields.

Contact: bianca.tescasiu @

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara (UVT)

Remus Cretan

Remus Cretan is Professor of Human Geography at West University of Timisoara, Romania. His recent research includes urban, regional and cultural geographies, more specifically he has studied ethnic identities, historical geographies, place naming, urban tourism (museum, souvenir selling and changes in destination tourism) and environmental politics in Central and Eastern Europe.  His key topics are geographies of inequality (e.g. social marginalization and stigmatization, social risk) and issues connected to development and (post)communist studies. Previous work has appeared in journals such as International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban
Geography, Cities, Area, Environmental Politics and Identities.


Otilla Hedesan

Otilia HEDEȘAN is a Romanian ethnologist, professor of Romanian Culture and Civilization at the West University of Timișoara. She is the head of the Research Center for Heritage and Cultural Anthropology, RHeA ( Since 2014, she is the president of the Romanian Association of Ethnological Sciences (ASER).

Otilia HEDEȘAN has a rich experience in coordinating research teams in the field of intangible cultural heritage. In this regard she has coordinated field research campaigns in different countries from Eastern part of Europe: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine. Her main research topics are everyday life in multi-ethnic communities, folklore and mythology, storytelling and narrative genres, food heritage. She is equally interested in the history of Romanian ethnology in European context and preoccupied by current state of art of Romanian folklore archives particularly those situated in Banat cross-border region.