Re-UNITA "Mentoring: success Stories", online webinar - 12th of June - 10am CET

31 May 2024  >  13 Jun 2024




The Re-UNITA* (Research for UNITA) webinar titled "Mentoring: Success Stories!" will be held on the 12th of June at 10am CET.

Tackling gender inbalances in research is a key objective of the UNITA Alliance within this Re-UNITA project.

To achieve this goal, more than 30 researchers are taking part in a common initiative : the mentoring programme.

This webinar will be an opportunity to learn about this programme, and hear feedbacks from these researchers involved.

Participation in the webinar is open not only to all UNITA partners but also to anyone interested.

Professor Pinuccia Cerrato from UniTO, Professor Cristina Solera from UniTO (Mentoring Programme coordinator), and representatives from the UNITA alliance partners who participated in the Mentoring Programme will attend.

The event will be moderated by Professor Cerrato and Giuseppe Bianco (ReUNITA Project Manager at UNITO).

*Re-UNITA is a project N°101035810 funded under H2020 programme of the European Commission

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