Re-UNITA SpinOff forum

6 Jun 2024

Research for UNITA (Re-UNITA*) project is organizing a new forum on 6 June, bringing together entrepreneurs, research professors and private sector partners involved in the Alliance's entrepreneurship initiatives.

More than 10 speakers will present their activities to promote innovation and partnerships between Alliance universities and the private sector.


9.30 a.m (CET) - Welcome and introduction
by Francisco Beltrán, Vice rector Internationalization and Cooperation (UNIZAR)
Clément Bardoux, Re-UNITA project manager (UPPA)

9.45 a.m - Inspirational Speech
by Hugo Condesa, Co-founder and CEO at WeTek SA

10.15 a.m - Services/Investors
    10.15 a.m: SpinUP programme in UNIZAR for the creation and acceleration of Spin-offs, by Camille Bertrand
    10.30 a.m: Startup Portugal, by Marilia Santos
    10.45 a.m: Adour Business Angels - ABA, by Denis Palluat de Besset
    11.00 a.m: Co- Timisoara by Andrei Munteanu
    11.15 a.m: Questions

11.30 a.m - SpinOffs
    11.30 a.m: Sensomatt (UBI), by Mohammad Mohammad Amini
    11.45 a.m: Kampal (UNIZAR), by Javier Fernández
    12.00 a.m: Biomim'Gel (UPPA), by Laurent Billon
    12.15 a.m: Institutul e-Austria (UVT), by Dana Petcu
    12.30 a.m: Questions

12.45 p.m (CET) - Closure of the meeting
by Ignacio Garcés

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