Call for projects - UNITA R&I Starting grants

8 Apr 2024  >  8 May 2024

The UNITA Alliance aims at contributing to the educational, scientific and cultural progress of the regions of the countries involved, fostering sustainable development, strengthening the local innovation ecosystems supporting the transition to a knowledge-based economy, whilst promoting and accelerating European integration within and beyond the territories.

The Universities of the Alliance support the creation of translational thematic and interdisciplinary research groups, through matching events on research in different scientific topics and grants attributed to the projects developed among partner Universities.

UNITA Starting Grants on Research

The UNITA Starting Grants on Research aim at accelerating the development of interuniversity groups of educators, researchers and innovators who share a common interest in a field of knowledge and want to develop the field further through exchanges of good practice and the launch of joint projects.

Here discover the Starting grants open until Wednesday May 8th, 2024 :

  • Tourism and cultural heritage in a digital world
  • Renewable energy mixes and materials for a more sustainable world

The projects must be submitted by teaching staff or researchers from at least three different university partners of the UNITA Alliance, and should include in the working group postdocs and PhD candidates.

The duration of a project is up to 12 months.

Multidisciplinary projects are particularly welcome.

Download the calls here:

Links to the application:


Timetable for the first call

Launch of the call 

08th of April 2024

Deadline for submission 

08th of May 2024 - midnight (CET)

Result notification 

June 2024

Latest project start date 

30th of September 2024

Project duration 

12 Months

Reporting due 

30th of October 2025