Discover Re-UNITA e-book

"Research Challenges for Cultural Heritage, Circular Economy and Renewable Energies in rural and mountain areas"
21 Oct 2024

On the 18th and 19th of April, the University of Beira Interior hosted the research UNITA workshops, dedicated to our three main scientific fields: circular economy, cultural heritage, and renewable energies.

An E-book has been designed from this workshop, highlighting the scientific contributions and the research activities carried out in the six founding universities of UNITA Alliance to tackle our local challenges.

The interdisciplinarity and variety of the researches presented in this e-book demonstrate the richness the research activities on-going in UNITA, and the collaborations emerging between our universities.

As underlined by Silvia Socorro, Vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Development at the UBI:

“The e-book compiles the collective knowledge generated during the workshops. It includes the contributions from the participants in Part I sessions – Presentation of research projects (8), and the discussion topics in the Part II Round-table sessions (16). Overall, details of ongoing projects, summaries of discussions, and key takeaway messages are provided.

This e-book is a valuable resource and a testimony of the impactful outcomes of the Re-UNITA project in promoting collaborative research efforts across the UNITA alliance. It provides practical insights and strategies that can be applied across various contexts to drive positive change, empowering our community to develop the UNITA research identity further.”

Download the e-book and discover how are UNITA researchers are tackling the current challenges faced by our territories.