Call #2 PhD Research topics

The reference number of each subject indicates first the name of the recruiting university and second the name of the co-supervising university.

Candidates can apply up to 3 subjects maximum.

USMB-UNITO-1.5.01 : Developing positive identities of place in marginalised areas through the revival of minority languages

Recruiting university : USMB (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (ITALY)

National populism is on the rise across the globe. This form of nationalism tends to foster an exclusive notion of territorial identity and to circumscribe citizenship to abstract membership of the nation state. It fosters a negative sense of ‘placeism’ defined by Gillian Evans as ‘a fierce sense of territoriality and a social preoccupation with a hierarchy of born-and bred belonging which implies a generalized suspicion of outsiders of all kinds’ . This sense of ‘placeism’ appears to be particularly present in marginal areas that have been described as ‘places that don’t matter’ who revolt against the status quo and embrace regressive nationalism . This project explores how a more positive sense of ‘placeism’ can be developed that embraces cosmopolitanism and diversity. Following Raymond Williams who argued that a progressive nationalism can be built from the ground up through an inclusive ‘politics of place’ , it focuses on how the revival of minority languages might foster a sense of empowerment and positive narratives of belonging. 

Fields of study

Anthropology, Linguistics, Political Science, Sociology

Full description of the project



Emma Bell (USMB)

Filippo Barbera (UNITO)

USMB-UNITO-1.5.02 : Prosa d'autrice: la lingua dei romanzi d'esordio 1940-1968

Recruiting university : USMB (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

The project aims to study the language of thirty novels by first-time female writers from 1940 to 1968, selected from those that least indulge in mixing with consumer genres such as crime, romance or children's novels. The corpus consists of novels distributed differently over the three decades: it reflects the stagnation of publications during the war and the progressive increase of the culture industry in the 1950s and 1960s.

Fields of study

Literature, Linguistics

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Cristina Vignali (USMB)

Margherita Quaglino (UNITO)

USMB-UBI-1.9.03 : Physical and digital tattoos

Recruiting university : USMB (France) / Co-supervising university : UBI (Portugal)

This project, at the crossroads of several disciplines (anthropology; visual and digital arts; information and communication sciences; computer science), is based on the production of a research documentary in holographic or multi-screen form that interacts with an audience. This audiovisual and interactive document, which is the result of a shared creative approach to research questions concerning social communication, also serves as a pretext for questioning the unstable aesthetics of holographic communication and narrative forms. The authors, the documentary's protagonists, and the audience engage in public reception and communication modes. Finally, we need to scrutinize the approach from an epistemological and methodological standpoint, considering it a methodological advancement that addresses research challenges in the humanities and social sciences.The main research question concerns the body and digital tattoos in relation to individual and social identity Reference: La peau. Enjeu de société (B. Andrieu, G. Boëtsch, A Le Breton, N. Pomarède, G. Vigarello), Paris, CNRS édition, 2008.

Fields of study

Anthropology, Arts and Culture, Communication Sciences

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«USMB-UBI-1.9.03-Ibanez Bueno-Ferraz.pdf»


Jacques Ibanez Bueno (USMB)

Renata Ferraz (UBI)

UPPA-UNITO-2.5.04 : At the Sources of the Anthropocene: Ecology, Technoscientific Progress and Literature

Recruiting university : UPPA (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

This project examines the literary representation of the relationship between ecological crisis and technoscientific progress. It specifically explores the fundamental ambiguity that persists between progress as a catalyst for the Anthropocene crisis and the myth of technosolutionism as a potential pathway out of it. Drawing on the historical context of the Anthropocene provided by Fressoz and Bonneuil, and on the theoretical insights from Hans Jonas on the principle of responsibility, Ulrich Beck on risk, and Bruno Latour on the representation of modernity, the project aims to construct a long-term history of cultural representations of the relationship between technoscientific progress and the environment. The primary field of inquiry is Francophone literature, utilizing innovative methodologies from ecopoetics. The project will investigate cultural representations of the impact of progress on the environment across a wide temporal range, from the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution to the present day, drawing on the works of authors from various periods, such as George Sand, Marcel Proust, Jean Giono, Pierre Gascar, Jean-Loup Trassard, and Léonora Miano, with particular attention to the issue of resource exploitation and environmental justice. Thus, the project aims to provide a historical and conceptual framework for a fundamental issue in environmental studies that is currently missing from academic literature, while also contributing to the development of intellectual tools for the defense of natural heritage.

Field of study


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Riccardo Barontini (UPPA)

Franca Buera (UNITO)

UPPA-UNITO-2.5.05 : The festivalisation of crime fiction in Romance-speaking Europe: towards heritage?

Recruiting university : UPPA (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Long considered a sub-literature, a "bad genre", the detective novel seems to have gained its own spurs at the start of the 21st century. Not only is it no longer regarded as a pulp novel, relegated to the newspaper kiosks, but it has conquered the institutional and cultural space of the city in the form, among other things, of the growing number of festivals devoted to it each year. Since the 1980s, there has been an unprecedented expansion of thriller festivals in France, Spain and Italy in particular, as part of the international movement to promote and circulate books. While major cities such as Barcelona, Lyon and Milan are organising their own events, the phenomenon seems to be spreading to medium-sized towns and even small cities across Europe. In Italy, for example, the most important crime fiction festivals are held in small provincial towns (Suzzara, Monticello Brianza, Pietrasanta). These festivals are often run by crime fiction writers, wh o then become cultural agents in their area, and enjoy remarkable support from local institutions. It will be interesting to analyse the phenomenon in all the countries of Europe's Romance languages in order to study the way in which this literature is currently undergoing a phenomenon of ontological promotion and how, in turn, the territories are seizing on the phenomenon to promote a form of literary tourism that is booming.

Fields of study

Arts and Culture, Literature, Sociology

Full description of the project



Emilie Guyard (UPPA)

Alessandro Perissinotto (UNITO)

UPPA-UNITBV-2.7.06 : Addressing the Impacts of Over-Tourism - Addressing the impacts of anthropogenic pressure on tourist destinations: Can slow tourism be a solution to discover and to promote lesser-known points of interest in rural mountain regions?

Recruiting university : UPPA (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITBV (Romania)

Over-tourism refers to the excessive influx of tourists to a particular destination. This leads to a number of problems, including environmental degradation (pollution, infrastructure overload, waste generation), a decline in quality of life for locals (increased living costs, disturbances, erosion of local identity), and negative visitor experiences (long wait times, lack of personalization). In this context, we hypothesize that many tourists would prefer alternative experiences that combine sports, culture, and lesser-known attractions, following a slow-tourism approach. Slow tourism encourages visitors to take their time, explore less crowded destinations, immerse themselves in local culture, and have a positive impact on the environment and local communities.This research project aims to (1) create datasets of lesser-known cultural and heritage attractions in rural mountains using AI to analyze various data sources. (2) These attractions will be categorized and matched with visitor preferences. (3) Finally, we will develop "virtuous recommendations" to create personalized slow-tourism itineraries, connecting visitors with underutilized attractions and promoting positive impacts on local communities.

Fields of study

Arts and Culture, Computer Sciences, Digital Marketing, Social Media Mix

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Sébastien Laborie (UPPA)

Bianca Tescașiu  (UNITBV)

UPPA-UNITO-2.5.07 : Representing classical music listening practices in modern literature and cinema

Recruiting university : UPPA (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Classical music (or what may more widely defined as “western learned music”) is a major part of Europe’s cultural heritage. And it includes the traditional concert or opera performance, which mainly is a 19th century legacy. But ways of listening to music have changed over the last decades (from the triumphant CD’s advent to the era of streaming platforms and You tube) and so has sometimes the rite of classical concerts itself. Contemporary literature and cinema reflect that evolution, associating values and meanings with those different modes of enjoying or discovering European masterworks. By doing so, one can assume that they also (re)shape our image of classical music and concerts.  These interactions between literary/cinematic representations of our modern listening practices and our conception of such a musical heritage can be apprehended in a large spectrum of works varying both in genres and languages. 

Fields of study

Arts and culture, Literature, Sociology

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Yves Landerouin (UPPA)

Chiara Lombardi (UNITO)

UPPA-UNITO-2.5.08 : Medieval views on “harmful animals”

Recruiting university : UPPA (France) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

In France, the list of ESODs (Espèces Susceptibles d'Occasionner des Dégâts - species likely to cause damage) is set out in decrees that are regularly updated: because they are considered a threat to human health and safety, to the conservation of wild flora and fauna or to agricultural activities, hunting is encouraged.How did people in the past view animals such as weasels, rats and ravens, which are now considered “harmful animals”? The very idea that there are evil beasts whose destruction benefits man deserves to be questioned: does it not run counter to the medieval vision of nature and creatures as manifesting divine power through their diversity? What attitudes were advocated towards”harmfus animals”? The relevance of this category in the Middle Ages is questionable: were they the same species as today, and are any variations due to changes in the fauna and human ecosystem, or to changes in representation? Philological, linguistic and ecocritical tools will be used in order to investigate the human-nature relationship embodied by these animals. Literature is understood in the medieval sense, including narrative (tales, fables, novels) and poetic works, as well as scientific and technical texts such as encyclopaedias and treatises on hunting and agronomy.

Field of study


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Télécharger le fichier «UPPA-UNITO-2.7.08-Rochelois-Cifarelli.pdf» (244.1 Ko)


Cécile Rochelois (UPPA)

Paola Cifarelli (UNITO)

UPNA-UPPA-3.2.09 : Textile heritage in rural and mountain environments: material and intangible dimension. Continuities and evolutions.

Recruiting university : UPNA (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UPPA (France)

The textile heritage has barely been investigated, much less in rural and mountain areas. It is a field of study with few methodological reference works, perhaps because it is a feminized heritage and, therefore, relegated. However, it is an object of study of great interest for several reasons. Firstly, because it presents in an indivisible way a material and an immaterial dimension, which can be a paradigm for the study of other tangible heritages. Secondly, because it includes both the processes and techniques of growing and collecting raw materials, manufacturing fabrics, and making and decorating them. Thirdly, because it is related to everyday life and its narrative, but also to festive and identity expressions and their narratives. Finally, because it is a heritage that is constantly evolving, even open to the innovations of current designers. Generating a reference methodology for the study of such a complex heritage, therefore, is a very important objective. On the other hand, investigating this heritage in rural and mountain areas gives the opportunity to assess adaptive and sustainable responses to this environment. The textile industry is responsible for an enormous ecological footprint both in the manufacturing and management of textile waste. The methodology required for research of this type has to be based on the analysis of very varied contents and sources, among which ethnographic field work is essential.

Fields of study

Anthropology, Arts and Culture, History

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Alfredo Asiáin (UPNA)

Mathilde Lamothe (UPPA)

UPNA-UNITO-3.5.10 : Sustainable Cultural Heritage Tourism: Exploring Tourist Perceptions and the Digital Dimension

Recruiting university : UPNA (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

The concept of sustainability and sustainable tourism has not received appropriate attention in previous research in terms of tourists' understanding. Despite a recent increase in interest in this topic, prior studies have predominantly focused on the supply side of the tourism industry and assumed that all consumers and stakeholders possess a shared understanding of these concepts. Although tourists have a basic idea of what sustainability means, they struggle to apply this concept to the tourism sector where both the environmental emergency and technological revolution have triggered significant changes, such as, for example, raising awareness among travelers about the significance of preserving cultural heritage. The relevance of sustainability at a social level has led to the implementation of sustainable practices in accommodations, thus creating sustainable tourism. This research project delves into applying sustainable tourism principles to cultural tourism, emphasizing the broader preservation of cultural heritage alongside environmental concerns. In fact, sustainable cultural tourism aims to protect cultural resources, historical sites, and traditions, ensuring they're enjoyed by future generations in equal or improved conditions. Therefore, the project has the objective to explore how tourists perceive sustainability in cultural tourism and the role of digital technologies in promoting sustainable practices. We seek to understand how digital marketing and technology can influence cultural tourists' decisions and encourage more sustainable practices. Ultimately, our aim is to contribute to the development of a conscious and sustainable cultural tourism approach, ensuring that cultural heritage is preserved and shared for future generations to enjoy optimally.

Fields of study

Management, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour

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 «UPNA-UNITO-3.5.10-Aramendia Muneta-Giachino.pdf»


Maria Elena Aramendia-Muneta (UPNA)

Chiara Giachino (UNITO)

UPNA-UNITO-3.5.11 : Urban uncomfortable heritage. Reimagining Navarre’s contested post-dictatorship memoryscapes through an international lens

Recruiting university : UPNA (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

The public spaces of many European cities are haunted by the material and symbolic legacies of the dictatorships that marked the history of the continent in the 20th century. These legacies include monuments, memorials, urban planning or sites of repression. However, the political, social, and cultural transformations that European societies have undergone have prompted a critical reassessment of these dissonant legacies, sometimes leading to proposals for their modification. While reuse remains one of the most common strategies, approaches have also included destruction, relocation, re-signification, musealisation and practices of disremembering. This research aims to examine Spain's, and particularly Navarre's, challenging urban heritage from the Spanish Civil War and Franco's dictatorship to the present day. The study first investigates the material and imaginary construction of these legacies, their evolution, and their integration into the urban spaces in which they are located. It then explores the shifting meanings that different political and social actors have ascribed to them over time. Lastly, it analyses current debates surrounding these legacies and the alternatives proposed by various groups, ranging from political representatives to grassroots organisations. The study is built upon the analysis of extensive archival material and interviews, through which case studies are developed and compared with the history and practices of uncomfortable heritage management across Europe. The proposal is particularly pertinent at a time when these disputes have been revived in Spain. Debates and policymaking can benefit from a better interdisciplinary understanding of this heritage and of the different international approaches to its administration.

Fields of study

Anthropology, History, Law

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«UPNA-UNITO-3.5.11-Oviedo Silva-Mastromarino.pdf»


Daniel Oviedo Silva (UPNA)

Anna Mastromarino (UNITO)

UNIZAR-UNITO-4.5.12 : Cultural landscapes boosting disadvantaged mountain areas: a rural turn in arts-led vitalisation

Recruiting university : UNIZAR (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Are cultural landscapes helping to alleviate the challenges socio-economic decline in mountain regions? This doctoral dissertation will look for answers, based on a historical introduction and a series of case studies in a comparative analysis crowned by conclusions and recommendations for the sustainable upkeeping of this type of heritage ensembles in the future. While regularly based in Saragossa University, the PhD candidate will carry out research stays in villages signified by a strong arts profile in the Pyrenees (Hecho), Picos de Europa (Cerezales del Condado), the Iberian System (Vilafamés), Central System (Olmeda de las Fuentes), Serranía de Ronda (Genalguacil), to conduct interviews, consult local archives or experience in person these realities.Comparable spots in the Alps and/or the Apennines will be the locations of the study-cases during the second year, when he/she will be based in Turin. The candidate will study examples of patrimonialization in the Alpes (Museo diffuso del Cuneeese), Serra di Vrea (Maglione), Monte Roccatonda (Gibellina) and then investigate the National Database for further examples that may match the Spanish ones.Similar examples in further countries will be visited and studied during the required research stages in other UNITA universities: for instance in French Pyrenees (Céret) and Alps (St Paul de Vence). Meanwhile, the doctoral student will disseminate his/her findings in international conferences and journals, especially in the third year of the contract.

Fields of study

Arts and Culture

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Jesús Pedro Lorente (UNIZAR)

Silvia Pireddu (UNITO)

UNIZAR-UNITO-4.5.13 : The recovery of the artistic heritage of female artists in Europe between the wars

Recruiting university : UNIZAR (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Our research proposal aims for the recovery of the artistic heritage created by women in the European interwar period, a necessary work to be accomplished in order to increase Europe's artistic heritage and to broaden our knowledge of works of arte created by women. Although the period in which the research focuses has attracted the attention of specialists in the field of the arts, and many studies have been devoted to analysing the contributions made by creators of different profiles (visual artists, architects, poets, writers, playwrights, filmmakers, photographers, etc.) with their creations, it should be remembered that the vast majority of the protagonists of these works are men. The women present in them have usually been relegated to a secondary position, in their role as companions or muses, and almost never as authors. Nevertheless, and thanks to the efforts of some research, we know that an important group of women were creators, participating in the avant-garde movements, being pioneers in some cases of certain techniques or forms of expression, and having conceived works that form part of Europe's artistic and cultural heritage, and which must be recovered, studied and valued. For this reason, this research aims to investigate the artistic heritage created by women in interwar Europe, with the intention of unravelling who they were and what their contribution was in the field of creation. Within this broad context, it is proposed to focus on the Spanish, Italian and French cases, with the aim of exploring not only the artistic styles they practised but also the relationships established between these territories in the field of training, collecting and the art market.

Field of study

Artistic heritage

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Concepción  Lomba Serrano (UNIZAR)

Anna Ciotta (UNITO)

UNITO-UPPA-5.2.14 : Romance Stories and Tales: Enhancing Cultural Heritage, Linguistic Repertoire of the Romance Area, and Forays into British Territories

Recruiting university : UNITO (Spain) / Co-supervising university : UPPA (France)

This research aims to promote and preserve the cultural and linguistic heritage of the Gallo-Romance and Ibero-Romance regions by rediscovering stories and folktales from the oral tradition, narrated in the regional languages of their respective areas of origin, and supplemented by any available versions from different countries. These tales, often found across various regions with more or less significant variations, represent a rich repertoire that can contribute to a deeper understanding of the history and development of these territories. Additionally, they can help to raise awareness of, and provide greater visibility to, regional languages that are often little known and whose number of speakers is in decline. To this end, the project seeks to collect a substantial number of stories and folktales in order to create an accessible website, which will serve as an open, updatable, and expandable archive—a kind of ‘Wiki’ dedicated to the traditional narratives of the Gallo-Iberian regions. In light of the historical and cultural connections between Romance and English-speaking areas, the research will also extend to British territories, with the aim of identifying tales from the Romance tradition that have been incorporated into English-language stories and novels.

Field of study


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«UNITO-UPPA-5.2.14-Garbarino-Roussillon Constanty.pdf»


Sandra Garbarino (UNITO)

Laurence Roussillon-Constanty (UPPA)

UNITO-UPNA-5.3.15 : Enhancing Inclusivity in Cultural Heritage and Tourism through Technology

Recruiting university : UNITO (Italy) / Co-supervising university : UPNA (Spain)

For years, research, regulations, and institutions have emphasized enhancing accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities (PwDs) through technology, yet significant challenges remain. In the context of cultural heritage and tourism, addressing these issues requires an understanding of both social and technological factors that impact the acceptance and usability of technology among PwDs, while also ensuring that inclusive innovations reflect the diverse cultural traditions and practices of various communities.However, there is a noticeable gap in scientific research that bridges the fields of technology, disability, and cultural heritage, tourism. This project delves into the progression of models and theories in technology management, focusing on their relevance to the acceptance and usability of technology by PwDs investigating the potential for preserving and experiencing cultural heritage.By broadening the range of theoretical frameworks considered, this project enriches the academic discourse and provides essential recommendations for cultural heritage practitioners, managers, and policymakers. It highlights the strategic importance of accessibility and inclusion, not only as ethical imperatives but as central elements in fostering cultural engagement and gaining a competitive edge in preserving heritage.

Field of study


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«UNITO-UPNA-5.3.15-Giachino-Aramendia Muneta.pdf»


Chiara Giachino (UNITO)

Maria Elena Aramendia-Muneta (UPNA)

UNITO-UNIZAR-5.4.16 : Discourses of borders, immigration and the nation: the politics and language of exclusion

Recruiting university : UNITO (Italy) / Co-supervising university : UNIZAR (Spain)

The focus of this research project is the analysis of how borders have become an essential part of modern British political discourse, more specifically of the nativist and exclusive rhetoric of the nation typical of right wing and extreme right wing movements and parties. This occurs through narratives which outline the dangers impending upon the nation from the arrival, potential or actual, of “strangers” or “aliens”, such as immigrants or refugees as well as EU citizens, who, according to the populist and nationalist discourse, threaten the integrity of the British nation by violating its borders and endangering its supposed unity in terms of national identity.This project will investigate a range of texts produced by some of the main British political actors. It will do so by employing an interdisciplinary approach involving Linguistics (and specifically Discourse Analysis), Politics and Border Studies. In this sense, the project is based on an innovative interdisciplinary and holistic approach to the study of public discourse, tracing its social and ideological origins and its discursive and linguistic strategies, while also highlighting the dangers it poses to society as a whole.The UK serves as an important case study, as recent violent episodes against immigrants and generally non white communities outline the role of racist, nativist and nationalist rhetoric in contemporary political discourse, a role which is not confined to fringe movements but has increasingly been been part of mainstream political discourse. The ultimate aim of this research project is to develop a methodological blueprint for a comparative study of political discourse within other European countries.

Fields of study

Linguistics, Political Science, Border Studies

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«UNITO-UNIZAR-5.4.16-Demata-Benitez Castro.pdf»


Massimiliano Demata (UNITO)

Miguel Angel Benitez Castro (UNIZAR)

UNITBV-UPPA-7.2.17 : Protecting and disseminating cultural heritage values from the Carpathian Mountains region in Romania by modeling semantic tourist trajectories and integrating them into a digital marketing program

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UPPA (France)

In all countries and regions, tourism represents a field of great interest, developing in multiple ways, depending on social, economic, cultural, geographical, natural, etc. factors. In the region of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, tourism associated with tangible and intangible cultural heritage has gained a large scale in the last 30 years, attracting tourists from the country and abroad, thanks to the specificity and uniqueness of many heritage elements: castle, fortresses and archaeological remains, monasteries, churches, a cheerful cemetery unique in the world, etc.The purpose of this doctoral research theme is the preservation and, at the same time, the valorization through promotion/dissemination of the values of the Romanian cultural heritage in the area of the Carpathian Mountains through an innovative approach in the context of digitalization. The objectives of this research are: (1) to identify some semantic tourist trajectories in the Carpathian region of Romania; (2) analysis of the digital paths and creation of a representation model of the identified semantic trajectories; (3) testing the model by carrying out experiments in at least two different tourist areas in the area of the Romanian Carpathians; (4) implementation of a digital marketing program for the promotion of cultural heritage in the Carpathian Mountains region in Romania. The novel aspects that we bring consist in the semantic representation of the tourist routes in the Romanian Carpathians, creating a presentation model of signature tourist routes and developing a travel planning system based on digital marketing tools.

Fields of study

Arts and Culture, Management, computer Sciences, Digital Marketing, Social Media Mix

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Bianca Tescașiu  (UNITBV)

Sébastien Laborie (UPPA)

UNITBV-UNIZAR-7.4.18 : Remote Sensing Data Analysis for Agriculture and Archaeological Crop Marks

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UNIZAR (Spain)

A large number of archaeological remains and even entire sites are still there to reveal. Being covered with ground, agricultural crops, forests or built-up areas, they are very difficult to detect based on purely historical data. With the latest technologies in the remote sensing domain, the multitude of sensors and the possibility to scan large area from various altitudes, there became a standard approach to search for buried archaeological remains. However, the locally-specific approaches may not work when applied in a different context, thus the necessity of designing new approaches that can work at a global scale. In this project we propose a hybrid vision between remote sensing and archaeology, which is aimed at developing non-invasive approaches based on remote sensing / EO data analysis for the purpose of supporting the detection and interpretation of buried archaeological remains. The hypothesis is that the water stress of agricultural crops can be a very good indicative of buried archaeological remains. By using a combined multisource, multiscale and multitemporal use of information through satellite data, together with an extensive use of drones with visible, multispectral and thermographic sensors, possibly terrestrial LiDAR technology for greater details, in order to cover large areas that allow comparison in different growing seasons. By the joint collaboration between a Romanian and Spanish research labs and universities, we aim at making steps towards the development of global solutions, which are independent of the specific location of the particular type of studied area or agricultural crops.

Fields of study

Architecture, History, Computer Sciences, Environment and Geosciences, Information Science and Engineering

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«UNITBV-UNIZAR-7.4.18-Ivanovici-Angás Pajas.pdf»


Mihai Ivanovici (UNITBV)

Jorge Angás Pajas (UNIZAR)

UNITBV-UNITO-7.5.19 : Earth Observation Data Analysis for the Assessement of Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Crops Defining Cultural Heritage Areas

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Specific agricultural crops and practices define the culture and the cultural heritage of villages and people in particular areas in Romania and Italy. For instance, Brasov region is renown for its potato (also sugar beet) crops, thus the name of “Potato Country”. Due to climate changes, the respective agricultural crops are being replaced with different ones (e.g. rape), more robust and resistant to the new climate conditions in Brasov area. The impact of climate changes on the specific areas translates into impact on the culture of the regions, leading to a deprecation and loss of the cultural heritage. Remote Sensing, especiallys the Earth Observation data from the Copernicus program of European Commission, especially from the Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 satellites, offer invaluable data with free access for the monitoring of agricultural crops. In this project we aim at developing algorithms and approaches for remote sensing / EO data analysis for the quantification of the specific impact on traditional agricultural crops, estimate the water demands of the traditional crops, evaluate the natural-based solution to preserve soil quality and predict the evolution in time that will affect the cultural heritage of the chosen areas in Romania and Italy. By the joint collaboration between a Romanian and Italian research labs and universities, we aim at making steps towards the development of climate change-aware global solutions, which are independent of the specific location of the particular under-study crop and consider the causality provided by the climatic changes.

Fields of study

Computer Sciences, Environment and Geosciences, Information Science and Engineering

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«UNITBV-UNITO-7.5.19-Ivanovici-Borgogno Mondino.pdf»


Mihai Ivanovici (UNITBV)

Enrico Borgogno Mondino (UNITO)

UNITBV-UNITO-7.5.20 : Transcending Polyphony: Transcriptions and Premieres of Select Masses by Palestrina and Monteverdi for Solo Piano

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

This doctoral research, "Transcending Polyphony," innovatively intersects musicology, performance arts, and cultural heritage studies by transcribing selected masses by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Claudio Monteverdi for solo piano. Situated within the CHORAL program's framework, this project not only contributes to the intangible cultural heritage and identity narratives but also significantly enhances the accessibility and dissemination of these historical works. The research entails an interdisciplinary exploration of Palestrina's and Monteverdi's compositions, involving field studies in Italian archives to understand their cultural and historical contexts deeply. This process aligns with the CHORAL program’s emphasis on engaging with local communities and heritage sites (historical libraries and archives) within the UNITA Alliance territories. The project aims to bridge the gap between historical choral traditions and contemporary solo performance, resonating with broader narratives of cultural identity, memory and religion. Further, by adapting these choral pieces for piano, the project advocates for innovative methods in music education and heritage management. The transcriptions will be made available to educational musical institutions across Europe, fostering an appreciation for these works among new generations of musicians and scholars. The use of digital tools in transcription and dissemination, including recordings and online platforms (all major streaming sites including but not limited to Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, and so on), aligns with CHORAL's focus on digitization and storytelling. The culmination of this project in a series of concerts and the publication of a doctoral thesis represents a comprehensive effort to enhance public engagement with cultural heritage. 

Field of study


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Petruta-Maria Coroiu (UNITBV)

Silvia Pireddu (UNITO)

UNITBV-UNITO-7.5.21 : The Use of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Creating Cultural Creative Touristic Destinations

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UNITO (Italy)

Historically, tourism sector was based mainly on various tangible assets. In the recent years, the tangible elements of tourism are more and more combined with experiences, as elements of the touristic demand;as a consequence, tourists became part of the co-creation process in the touristic experience – “the creative turn of tourism”. Cultural tourism made not exception from this trend; moreover, the new paradigm of “cultural tourism” seems to become the result of a synergy between cultural heritage and the specific experience of the tourist. Therefore, developing cultural creative t ouristic destinations needs a multidimensional and integrated approach and, finally, a comprehensive strategy of the policy-makers. The Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) represents a very generous source of creativity; therefore, it could become a defining element of differentiation, a tool used by the authorities as economic and social driver for the local development, and, also, an important provider of innovation, growth and a job generator. Despite the fact that some attempts of culture-related indicators tried to assess and to harmonize culture’s contribution at national and international level, there is a lack of information about the possible contribution of ICH at the creative cultural tourism in terms of innovation, competitiveness or sustainability. The present research proposal focuses on the contribution that ICH might have in the process of cocreation specific to creative tourism, as well as on developing new tools to monitor and to assess the contribution of ICH in the touristic destinatons development.

Fields of study

Anthropology, Arts and Culture, Economics, Sociology

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Bianca Tescasiu (UNITBV)

Enrico Eraldo Bertacchini (UNITO)

UNITBV-UNIBS-7.6.22 : Water suply in roman period

Recruiting university : UNITBV (Romania) / Co-supervising university : UNIBS (Italy)

Through this project, we will provide to young scientists the opportunity to develop research skills in a stimulating interdisciplinary environment. PhD candidates will acquire specialized technical skills relevant to ancient hydrology and hydraulics by a specific literature review guided by experts also on the technical themes and through modern techniques. The development of civilization is closely related to water. Hydraulic systems existed in many cultures; let's not forget the greek and roman water supply systems or Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System, built in the Persian Empire in the 3rd century CE which served for different purposes: irrigation, water supply, transportation and even defense. The study of an ancient hydraulic system requires an interdisciplinary way, combining archaeological discoveries with the quantitative skills of hydraulic engineering. We propose to the potential PhD candidates a study of water supply in Scytia Minor in the roman period, in which we propose an analysis related to technical aspects of roman aqueduct construction including hydraulic analysis in comparison with other roman aqeducts searched in the historical and technical literature on this topic.

Fields of study

Information Science and Engineering

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Carmen Maftei (UNITBV)

Roberto Ranzi (UNIBS)

UNIBS-UNIZAR-6.4.23 : Integration of Photonics and Artificial Intelligence for the Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Recruiting university : UNIBS (Italy) / Co-supervising university : UNIZAR (Spain)

Cultural heritage, encompassing artifacts such as paintings, is a significant part of human history and identity. However, these artifacts are susceptible to degradation over time due to environmental factors, improper handling, and aging. To carefully analyze, preserve and digitalize these invaluable pieces, innovative approaches are necessary. The integration of photonics and artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising avenue for non-invasive analysis, condition assessment, and digitalization of paintings. This research proposes to explore the combined use of photonics and AI in analyzing and preserving paintings, with an emphasis on developing advanced methodologies for real-time monitoring and imaging.

Fields of study

Arts and Culture, Information Science and Engineering

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Davide Rocco (UNIBS)

Luis Agustín Hernández (UNIZAR)

UNIBS-UNIZAR-6.4.24 : REhabilitation of European Vaulted Masonry Structures for ARChitectural Heritage Preservation (REVARCH)

Recruiting university : UNIBS (Italy) / Co-supervising university : UNIZAR (Spain)

Masonry arches, vaults and domes are among the oldest structural elements, used for centuries to construct both monumental sacred, civic and defensive buildings and “minor structures”, including common urban buildings and traditional rural houses. For centuries, arches and vaults have been the most common solutions for building floors and coverings. In addition to their structural elegance and technical complexity, these systems often feature precious finishings, particularly in more prestigious buildings, enhancing both their artistic and architectural significance. Masonry arches have also been widely employed in bridge construction, from the Roman era up to the 20th century, characterizing still today a significant portion of Europe's in-service road and railway bridges. The development of vault structures has resulted in many distinct construction typologies now part of Europe's architectural and structural heritage. These historical systems deserve deep investigation, preservation, and upgrading. The need to retrofit masonry structures is particularly urgent, as highlighted by recent European programs aimed at renovating building stock to improve energy efficiency and reduce structural vulnerabilities, especially to natural disasters like earthquakes. Given these considerations, this project aims to widen knowledge of the typical vault systems used across different European countries, focusing on both their artistic-architectural and structural aspects. The assessment of some significant case studies will allow to investigate the structural deficiencies leading to the proposal of innovative retrofitting technique able to mitigate the vulnerabilities. Complete guidelines will be developed to report a complete summary of the research investigation and provide practical procedure for structure rehabilitation and preservation.

Fields of study

Architecture, Arts and Culture, Structural Rehabilitation

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UNIBS-UNIZAR-6.4.25-Minelli-Ibáñez fernández.pdf

Fausto Minelli (UNIBS)

Javier Ibáñez Fernández (UNIZAR)

UNIBS-USMB-6.1.25 : Languages in transit. Latin American artists on the European art scene between the 1960s and 1970s.

Recruiting university : UNIBS (Italy) / Co-supervising university : USMB (France)

The 1960s in the visual arts were characterized by groundbreaking achievements arising from the breakdown of artistic categories and the emergence of a free attitude towards languages. Some Latin American women artists who went into exile in European countries during the 1960s and 1970s played an important role in experimentalism during this period, in which, alongside the emergence of counterculture and movements such as conceptual art, body art, land art, video art, happenings and performances, state violence reigned in their countries of origin due to military coups that imposed restrictions on freedoms and persecuted and tortured opponents. Iole de Freitas, Cecilia Vicuña, Marta Minujín, Marie Orensanzs, Feliza Burnstyn, Maria Evelia Marmolejo, Lea Lublin, Marcia Schvartz and Teresa Trujillo are artists who have contributed to the advancement of contemporary art in proposals that have used new media and dealt with themes as current as the female body and its representations. Countries such as Italy, France, Spain and England offered them political asylum or conditions of stay and further artistic training. While living their experiences of exile in European lands, the artists dialogued and/or collaborated with groups and eminent figures in the visual arts, film and video, theater or dance. These interdisciplinary relationships and dialogues had implications for their productions and reverberated in the environments and groups they frequented. This project investigates the context of the plastic arts in Europe from the 1960s to the 1980s and its relationship with the careers of the artists listed.   

Fields of study

Arts and culture, Anthropology, History,  Linguistics, Political Science, Sociology

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Ivana Passamani (UNIBS)

Carole Brandon (USMB)